Home Science Retina

NCERT Retina Science Chapter Class 10

Retina is present in the rear part of eye ball.

It is a delicate membrane which acts as a light sensitive screen.

It has a large number of light sensitive cells named rods and cones.

Q : Difference between rods and cones ?


They are rod shaped.

They help for intensity of light.

Cones :

They are cone shaped.

They help for colour of vision.

Optic Nerve

The transmit electrical signal to the brain.


It is the ability of the human eye to focus the near by as well as distance objects by adjusting the focal length with the help of cilliary muscles is known as accommodation.When you are looking near by object

U= -25cm









When you are looking at distant objects

u = -

v = 2.5

1/f = 1/v-1/u



F = 5/2 cm

P = 100/5*2cm

40 D

Power of accommodation

44D – 40D = 4D