NCERT Electricity Science Chapter Note Class 10

It is a fundamental quantity.

Properties of charge.

  1. Attract
  2. Like charge repel each other and unlike charges attract. An uncharged body can be attracted by a charged body.

  3. Additive
  4. The total charge of a system is the algebraic sum of all the charge present at different point of the system.

  5. Quantization
  6. Any charged body, big or small has a charge equal to an integral multiple of the charge present in one electron.

    Q = ± ne

    n=no of electron


    Q : Name the device that helps in maintaining potential difference across conductor .

    Answer : Battery /Cell

    Q. What is meant by saying the potential difference between 2 points is IV.

    Answer : 1J Work done to transfer 1c charge from one point to another.

    Q: How much energy is given to each charge passing through a 6v battery ?

    Answer : Charge = 1C Potential difference = 6v
    Energy Supplied = Q x V
    = 1 x 6
    =6 J /Cell

    Q : On what factors does resistance of a conductor depends ?

    Answer :

    • length of conductor
    • Area of cross
    • Nature of material
    • Temperature
  7. Conservation
  8. The charge of an isolated system remains constant charge can neither be created nor be destroyed.

    Note : When we rub the glass rod with silk cloth, glass rod will acquire positive charge, silk will acquire negative charge. But when we calculate the total charge particulars of both the substances, they will remain same before and after transformation.

  9. Invariance
  10. The value of charge does not change with its speed.

    Incase of mass

Electric Current

The flow of electrons constitute the electric current. Electric current is the amount of charge flowing through any conductor per unit time.

If Q be the net charge flowing through the conductor in time t, then the current can be expressed as I = Q/E, 1 Ampere = 1columb/1 second.

Q: Draw a circuit diagram in which ammeter is connected.

Answer :The positive terminal of ammeter will be connected to positive terminal is connected to the negative terminal of battery.

Q :Will current flow more easily in a thick conductor or thin conductor. Why ?

Answer :The current flow more easily in a thick conductor because ..Need edit

Q : What does an electric circuit mean ?

Answer :A continuous and closed path of an electric current is called an electric circuit. An electric circuit consists of electric device, source of electricity and wires that are connected with the switch. I = ne/t

  1. Name the instrument used to measure current and how are they connected ?
  2. Answer :Ammeter is used to measure electric current. They are connected in series.

  3. What is electric circuit ?
  4. Answer :A closed and continuous path through which current can continuously pass is called electric circuit.

    There are 2 types of circuit :

    1. Open circuit (current does not flow).
    2. Closed Circuit(current flows).

Direction of electric current

  • The direction of electric current is from positive terminal of battery.
  • The direction of flow of electrons is opposite to the direction of current.