Home Social Study Agriculture

Agriculture Social Study Chapter Solutions NCERT Class 10

1. Write about Rabi crops?

Answer :

  • Rabi crops are sown in winter from October to December.
  • They are harvested in summer from April to June.
  • The mainly include wheat, berley, peas, gram, and mustard.
  • States from north and north-western parts such as Punjab,Haryana,himachal Pradesh,jammu and Kashmir,Uttaranchal and uttar Pradesh are important for the production of wheat and other rabi crops.

2. Write about kharif crops?

Answer :

  • Kharif crops are grown with the onset of monsoon in different parts of the country.
  • These are harvested in September – October.
  • Important crops are paddy maize, jawar, bajra, arhar, mung, urad, cotton, jute, groundnut.

3. What are the important rice growing reasons?

Answer :

  • Rice growing regions are Assam, west Bengal, coastal regions of odisha, Andhra Pradesh, tamil nadu, kerla and maharastra particularly the konkan along with uttar Pradesh and bihar.
  • The dams that were constructed to control floods have triggered floods due to sestimentation in the warrior.
  • Paddy has also become important crop of Punjab and Haryana.
  • In states like Assam, west Bengal and Odisha, three crops of paddy are grown, these are Aees, Aman, Boro.

4. Write a short note on zaid crops?

Answer :

In between rabi and kharif season, there is a short season during the summer months known as zaid season some of the crops are watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fadder crops. Sugarcane almost takes a year to grow.


  • It is the staple food crop of majority of people in India.
  • It requires high tempreture (above 25 c) and high humidity with annual rainfall about 100cm. In the area of less rain fall it grows with the help of irrigation.
  • It grows in plains of north and north – eastern India, coastal areas of deltaic regions.
  • Irrigation and tubewells have made possible to grow rice in Punjab , Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh and parts of Rajasthan.
  • This is the second most important cereal crop .
  • It is the main food crop in North and North Western part .
  • It requires cool growing season and a bright sunshine at the time of ripening .
  • It requires 50cm to 75cm annual rainfall .
  • Major wheat producing state are Punjab , Haryana , Utter Pradesh , Bihar , Rajasthan and parts of Madhya Pradesh .
  • Jowar , bajra and ragi are the important millets grown in India .
  • Though , they are known as coarse grains , they have very high nutritional value .
  • For example ragis , very rich in iron , calcium , other micro nutrients and rough age .

Jowar - Maharast , Karnataka , Andhra Pradesh , Madhya Pradesh .

Bajra - Rajasthan , UP , Maharasta , Gujurat , Haryana .

Ragi - Karnataka , Tamil Nadu , Himachal Pradesh , Sikkim , Uttarakhand , Arunanchal Pradesh , Jharkhand .

5. What are given priority to bring about Institutional reforms ?

Answer :

  • Collectivisation
  • Consolidation of holdings
  • Co-operation and abolition of zamindari etc were given priority to bring about the institutional reforms .

GDP growth rate is increasing or the years it is not generating sufficient employment opportunities in the country .

6.Who is responsible for procuring food grains ?

Answer :

Food corporation if India ( FCI ) is responsible for procuring and stocking food grains , where as distribution is insured by the public distribution system ( PDS ) .

7. What do you mean by minimum support price ( MSP ) ?

Answer :

The FCI procures food grains from the farmers at the government announced minimum support price ( MSP ) .