Home English Not marble nor the grided monumented

Not marble nor the grided monumented English Chapter Solutions NCERT Class 10

1. The rich and powerful got ornate monuments made in order to.

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be remembered till posterity.

2. The post addresses his sonnet to

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The person he loves

3. In the line' the living record of your memory’ living record refers written for his friend

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The sonnet has written for his friend

4. The poets tone in the poem is

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5. the poem is set in

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The post study where he is writing.

6. What do you think the rich and powerful people get monuments and status in their memory.

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The rich and powerful people want to be rememebered till poterity so they erect monuments and statues in their memory

7. Describe how the monuments and status brave the ravages of time.

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status are made of strong metal or store.they are covered with gold to decorate them and to make them look splendid.in the same way , monuments are made up of strong marbles​.they are designed and polished in such way that can be protected for a long time.thus , status and monuments are protected to brave the ravages of time.they do not get corroded easily by wind,rain and sunshine.

8. What does poet refer to time as being slattis?

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The poet refers to time as being slattish as it changes suddenly and unexpectedly.its habits and behaviour are unpredictable.it turn favourite circumstances into adverse circumstances.it neither wait nor cares for anyone .it spares no one . nobody can understand its changing mood.

9. The poet says that neither forces of nature nor wars can destroy his poetry.in fact, even godly powers of mass will not have a devastating effects on his thyme .what quantity of the poet is revealed through these lines?

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The poet believe that his poetry cannot be destroy by the forces of war .it will be read by the comming generation.it will be remembered till posterity.it cannot be forgotten . even godly powers of Mars Will not have a devastating effects on his rhymes .it will survive in quite sure of the immortality of his poetry.the post extreme optimism and faith in the power of love is revealed in the these lines.

10. Identity Shakespeare​ use of personification in the poem.

Answer :

"The living record of your memory” has been personified here in the sonnel as a man .he shall pace forth against death, bereavement , etc.he shall live in eyes of all posterity.