How to get the folder size in PHP

function sizeFormat($bytes){
$kb = 1024;
$mb = $kb * 1024;
$gb = $mb * 1024;
$tb = $gb * 1024;

if (($bytes >= 0) && ($bytes < $kb)) {
return $bytes . ' B';

} elseif (($bytes >= $kb) && ($bytes < $mb)) {
return ceil($bytes / $kb) . ' KB';

} elseif (($bytes >= $mb) && ($bytes < $gb)) {
return ceil($bytes / $mb) . ' MB';

} elseif (($bytes >= $gb) && ($bytes < $tb)) {
return ceil($bytes / $gb) . ' GB';

} elseif ($bytes >= $tb) {
return ceil($bytes / $tb) . ' TB';
} else {
return $bytes . ' B';
function folderSize($dir){
$count_size = 0;
$count = 0;
$dir_array = scandir($dir);
  foreach($dir_array as $key=>$filename){
    if($filename!=".." && $filename!="."){
          $new_foldersize = foldersize($dir."/".$filename);
          $count_size = $count_size+ $new_foldersize;
        }else if(is_file($dir."/".$filename)){
          $count_size = $count_size + filesize($dir."/".$filename);
return $count_size;

  $folder_name = "uploads";
  echo sizeFormat(folderSize($folder_name));