Home English Snake

Snake English Chapter Solutions NCERT Class 10th Note

1. a) He lifted his head from his drinking as cattle do ?The poet want to convey that the snake

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Is as harmless as cattle .

b) ‘sicilian July’,’Etna smoking’ and ‘burning bowels of the earth’ are images that covey that

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It was a really hot day when the snake come. .

c) 'A sort of horror, a sort of protest overcame me' - The poet is filled with protest because

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he doesn't want the snake to recede into darkness.

d) In the line 'And as he slowly drew up, snake-easing his shoulders, and entered farther' the phrase snake easing' his shoulders means

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slipping in with majestic grace .

e) 'He seemed to me like a king in exile;' The poet refers to the snake as such to emphasize that the snake

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is a majestic creature forced to go into exile by man.

f) 'I thought how paltry, how vulgar, what a mean act' -The poet is referring to

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the act of throwing a log of wood at the snake